IR Highlight

Summary of Profit or Loss

For the year ended
31 March 2023
For the year ended
31 March 2022
Revenue 348,271 1,004,596
Gross profit 110 109,503
Loss before tax (224,636) (2,391)
Income tax expense (1,998) (8,947)
Loss attributable to owners of the parent (428,255) (517,798)
Basic and diluted loss per share HK31.54 cents HK38.13 cents

Summary of Financial Positon

As at
31 March 2023
As at
31 March 2022
Current assets 1,643,957 1,425,744
Total assets 2,416,217 3,494,752
Non-current liabilities 807,674 761,112
Current liabilities 1,599,745 2,482,471
Net current assets/(liabilities) 44,212 (1,056,727)